Class GSAQuery

  extended bynet.sf.gsaapi.GSAQuery

public class GSAQuery
extends java.lang.Object

Encapsulates the query parameters to be sent to the GSA. A typical use of this class would be:

   GSAQuery query = new GSAQuery();
   GSAQueryTerm term = new GSAQuery.GSAQueryTerm("instrumental music");
   term.setInTitle(new String[]{"music"}); // search for music in page title
   term.setIncludeFileType(new String[]{"pdf","html"}); // restrict to pdf and html file types
   query.setCollections(sites); // set the collection ofadmin-configured sites to restrict search to

Amol S Deshmukh adeshmuk .at inxight .dot com
See Also:

Nested Class Summary
static class GSAQuery.GSAQueryTerm
          This class is required because the GSA query term supports a "special term" syntax.
Field Summary
static int MAX_RESULTS
          the absolute maximum number of results that a query can generate.
          The maximum number of results to be fetched in one invokation of a query.
Constructor Summary
          create an instance of GSAQuery.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String getQueryString()
          This method is mainly to facilicate automated testing.
 java.lang.String getValue()
          return the HTTP GET query string.
 void setAccess(Access access)
          restrict results to public or secure (or do not restrict) based on the value of the Access parameter.
 void setAndQueryTerms(java.lang.String[] andTerms)
          restrict search to documents containing all of the specified terms.
 void setExactPhraseQueryTerm(java.lang.String phrase)
          search for the documents containing the exact specified phrase.
 void setFetchMetaFields(java.lang.String[] fields)
          Fetch specified META tags if they exist in the document.
 void setFilter(Filter filter)
          Set the filter char code that indicates type of filtering to be performed.
 void setFrontend(java.lang.String frontend)
          A string representing any valid frontend.
 void setInputEncoding(java.lang.String inputEncoding)
          Set input encoding (advanced use only)
 void setLanguage(java.lang.String language)
          Restrict search to pages in specified languages only.
 void setMaxResults(int maxResults)
          Restrict search results to these many at most.
 void setNumKeyMatches(byte keyMatches)
          Number of keymatches in a document (max value accepted by GSA is 5).
 void setOrQueryTerms(java.lang.String[] orTerms)
          search documents containing any or all of specified terms.
 void setOutputEncoding(java.lang.String outputEncoding)
          Set output encoding (advanced use only)
 void setOutputFormat(OutputFormat of)
 void setPartialMetaFields(java.util.Properties partialFields)
          Calls setPartialMetaFields(Properties, boolean) with the boolean argument set to true.
 void setPartialMetaFields(java.util.Properties partialFields, boolean orIfTrueAndIfFalse)
          Set the meta fields based filtering criteria.
 void setProxycustom(java.lang.String proxycustom)
          sets the proxycustom url param.
 void setProxyReload(boolean force)
          Setting this to true forces reloading of the proxystylesheet by the GSA server.
 void setProxystylesheet(java.lang.String proxystylesheet)
          set the value for proxystylesheet.
 void setQueryTerm(GSAQuery.GSAQueryTerm queryTerm)
 void setRequiredMetaFields(java.util.Properties requiredFields)
          Calls setRequiredMetaFields(Properties, boolean) with the boolean argument set to true.
 void setRequiredMetaFields(java.util.Properties requiredFields, boolean orIfTrueAndIfFalse)
          Set the meta fields based filtering criteria.
 void setScrollAhead(int n)
          scroll ahead to display (n+1)th result as the first result.
 void setSearchScope(SearchScope searchScope)
          Indicate part of page to which the search is to be restricted.
 void setSiteCollections(java.lang.String[] siteCollections)
          Restrict search to exclude documents from specified "siteCollections".
 void setSortByDate(boolean asc, char mode)
          sort by date (default sorted by "relevance") and in the specified sort-direction and mode If this method is invoked, the returned results also contain a custom field named "date" with the date value specified in YYYY-MM-DD formatted string.
 void unsetSortByDate()
          This method removes any sort-value set by previous calls to setSortByDate.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int MAX_RESULTS
the absolute maximum number of results that a query can generate. Thus, setStart+setMaxResults can't exceed this value.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int MAX_RESULTS_PER_QUERY
The maximum number of results to be fetched in one invokation of a query. This is the upperbound for the call to setMaxResults(int).

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public GSAQuery()
create an instance of GSAQuery.

Method Detail


public void setSiteCollections(java.lang.String[] siteCollections)
Restrict search to exclude documents from specified "siteCollections". A siteCollection is a set of domains that is configured by the GSA admin.
For exampl, a particular search site may have a collection named "support" for all domains served by the Support department and another named "engineering" for all domains served by the Engineering department.
Note: siteCollection is not the same as an internet domain name - generally a siteCollection is mapped to a set of domain names.

siteCollections -


public void setFrontend(java.lang.String frontend)
A string representing any valid frontend.

frontend -


public void setOutputFormat(OutputFormat of)
of - The OutputFormat enum value
See Also:


public void setMaxResults(int maxResults)
Restrict search results to these many at most.

maxResults - maximum results desired. Large values will be limited to MAX_RESULTS


public void setNumKeyMatches(byte keyMatches)
Number of keymatches in a document (max value accepted by GSA is 5).

keyMatches - number of keyMatches desired


public void setSearchScope(SearchScope searchScope)
Indicate part of page to which the search is to be restricted.

searchScope - A SearchScope enum value.


public void setFilter(Filter filter)
Set the filter char code that indicates type of filtering to be performed.

filter - A Filter enum value


public void setQueryTerm(GSAQuery.GSAQueryTerm queryTerm)
queryTerm - The GSAQuery.GSAQueryTerm instance encapsulating the query string.


public void setOrQueryTerms(java.lang.String[] orTerms)
search documents containing any or all of specified terms.

orTerms - Terms that will be used to match the results documents. Documents matching any of the terms in the String array will be returned. Note that the terms will be further tokenized on spaces.
 String[] str1 = new String[] { "this", "that" };
 String[] str2 = new String[] { "this that" };
Using either of the above String arrays as an argument will yield same results.


public void setAndQueryTerms(java.lang.String[] andTerms)
restrict search to documents containing all of the specified terms.

andTerms - Terms that will be used to match the results documents. Only documents matching all of the terms in the String array will be returned. Note that the terms will be further tokenized on spaces.
 String[] str1 = new String[] { "this", "that" };
 String[] str2 = new String[] { "this that" };
Using either of the above String arrays as an argument will yield same results.


public void setExactPhraseQueryTerm(java.lang.String phrase)
search for the documents containing the exact specified phrase.

phrase - The exact phrase to search for.


public void setInputEncoding(java.lang.String inputEncoding)
Set input encoding (advanced use only)

inputEncoding - The input encoding.


public void setOutputEncoding(java.lang.String outputEncoding)
Set output encoding (advanced use only)

outputEncoding - The output encoding.


public void setLanguage(java.lang.String language)
Restrict search to pages in specified languages only. For example, "lang_en" for english. For details refer to the XML protocol reference.

language - The language.


public void setFetchMetaFields(java.lang.String[] fields)
Fetch specified META tags if they exist in the document. (mainly useful for html documents).

fields - The meta fields associated with a result to fetch.


public void setRequiredMetaFields(java.util.Properties requiredFields)
Calls setRequiredMetaFields(Properties, boolean) with the boolean argument set to true.

requiredFields - The Properties object encapsulating the required field names and values.


public void setRequiredMetaFields(java.util.Properties requiredFields,
                                  boolean orIfTrueAndIfFalse)
Set the meta fields based filtering criteria. The argument is a Properties object containing key-value pairs of the form <meta-field-name>, <meta-field-value> The specified value is used to perform an exact match on the documents meta field.
   Note: The name and value strings must be url encoded.

For further details refer to:

requiredFields - The Properties instance specifying the required fields filter. All keys and values in the properties instance must be url encoded.
orIfTrueAndIfFalse - If true, the required field constraints are ORed -- ie. results containing any of the required fields are retrieved. If false, the required field contraints are ANDed ie. only results containing all the results are returned.


public void setPartialMetaFields(java.util.Properties partialFields)
Calls setPartialMetaFields(Properties, boolean) with the boolean argument set to true.

partialFields -


public void setPartialMetaFields(java.util.Properties partialFields,
                                 boolean orIfTrueAndIfFalse)
Set the meta fields based filtering criteria. The argument is a Properties object containing key-value pairs of the form <meta-field-name>, <meta-field-value>
The specified value is used to perform a subphrase match on the documents meta field. For further details refer to:

partialFields - The Properties instance specifying the partial fields filter.
orIfTrueAndIfFalse - If true, the required field constraints are ORed -- ie. results containing any of the required fields are retrieved. If false, the required field contraints are ANDed ie. only results containing all the results are returned.


public void setSortByDate(boolean asc,
                          char mode)
sort by date (default sorted by "relevance") and in the specified sort-direction and mode If this method is invoked, the returned results also contain a custom field named "date" with the date value specified in YYYY-MM-DD formatted string. This value can be retrieved from the GSAResult object using the

asc - true if desired sort-direction is ascending. false otherwise.
mode - mode can be one of 'S' 'R' 'L' to mean "Sort relevant results", "Sort all results", "Dont sort, fetch date for each result " respectively.


public void unsetSortByDate()
This method removes any sort-value set by previous calls to setSortByDate.


public void setScrollAhead(int n)
scroll ahead to display (n+1)th result as the first result. Useful for paginating through the results.

n - the starting index (0-based). ie. The (n+1)th result will be the first result to be displayed.


public void setAccess(Access access)
restrict results to public or secure (or do not restrict) based on the value of the Access parameter.

access - The Access enum value.
See Also:


public void setProxycustom(java.lang.String proxycustom)
sets the proxycustom url param.

proxycustom - proxycustom string value.


public void setProxystylesheet(java.lang.String proxystylesheet)
set the value for proxystylesheet. NOTE: It is not advisable to set this param if you intend to use the XML parsing capabilities of this API.

proxystylesheet - proxystylesheet String value.


public void setProxyReload(boolean force)
Setting this to true forces reloading of the proxystylesheet by the GSA server. By default, GSA refreshes the stylesheet every 15 mins or so. (refer to documentation of your target GSA to determine the default proxystylsheet reload time).

force - true forces reloading the proxystylesheet for the results of this search.


public java.lang.String getValue()
return the HTTP GET query string.

returns the complete query string generated as a result of all current options set in this instance of GSAQuery class.


public java.lang.String getQueryString()
This method is mainly to facilicate automated testing. Should not be required except to test the query string built internally.

returns the query string generated as a result of all current options set in the GSAQueryTerm instance associated with this GSAQuery instance.

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